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Space ConneXions staff have a long history of pro-active contributions to the development of international standards for space data communications under the auspices of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS).
CCSDS is the international organisation created by the world's space agencies to agree a set of data communications protocols that will enable spacecraft developed by any space agency to interoperate with spacecraft and ground systems developed by any other agency. In many ways, CCSDS is developing an "internet" of spacecraft and planetary communications systems spread throughout our solar system.
Space ConneXions is contracted by the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to represent the UK in the CCSDS Cross Support Services area. We are currently supporting the development of protocols for the management of communications between spacecraft control centres and tracking, telemetry and command (TTC) ground stations. This work is being performed in collaboration with colleagues from ESA, NASA, CNES, DLR and JAXA.
In addition to the work within CCSDS, Space ConneXions is collaborating with other organisations, particularly within the UK, to support the development of CCSDS Space Link Extension (SLE) data transfer standards within existing TTC ground systems.
To learn more about CCSDS and SLE, please visit the official
CCSDS website.