
The following case studies show the type of work which we undertake at Space ConneXions: 

AATSR Project Management and ongoing support to UKSA and ESA 

Space ConneXions has a series of contracts with the Department of Energy and Climate Change in the UK, and with the European Space Agency, in which we lead a consortium that includes the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the University of Leicester and the University of Southampton, to exploit data from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR). This instrument, which makes the most accurate measurements available of the sea surface temperature, an important indicator of climate change, was procured by the Climate Science and Impacts team at DECC.

Since the end of the DECC contract in 2017, Space ConneXions has continued to facilitate the ATSR Exploitation Board (AEB) and the ATSR Science Advisory Group (SAG) on behalf of the UK Space Agency and has managed the ships4SST shipborne radiometer Copernicus contract on behalf of the EU and ESA.

See AATSR Project Management for a fuller description.

Bilateral Carbon Mission 

Space ConneXions managed a consortium led by the University of Leicester to investigate possible UK contributions to the MicroCarb CO2 monitoring mission, led by the French space agency, CNES. Following the completion of the study, Space ConneXions supported the UK Space Agency to develop a business case for a UK contribution to MicroCarb and negotiations with the CNES team that led to the signing of an agreement between the UK and France at the French Residence in London.

CCSDS Consultancy 

Space ConneXions represents the UK Space Agency (UKSA) on the Cross Support Area of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS). We are working with representatives of all the world's leading space agencies to develop standards to allow spacecraft from one agency to use the communications assets of another agency in what will ultimately become an "interplanetary internet". 

See CCSDS Consultancy for further details. 

Industry Support 

Various industrial clients have requested technical support in ground and space segment areas related to Space ConneXions’ core skills and expertise. Several of these contracts are summarised in these case studies. 

See the Industry Support Case Study.